DSL Equipment Tool by Jeckyl

This tool is a work in progress. All equipment is scraped from the DSL Equipment page at http://www.dsl-mud.org/algoron/equipment.asp. The page will not be scraped on any regular basis - only if major changes are made that require an update to the equipment. I have no interest in bombarding the DSL servers. If you have any interest in helping move this page forward, or have a bug you think is worth reporting, you can contact me via PM on the DSL forums. Thanks to Jor'Mox for providing a list of areas that don't exist - check out his Directions Page for more user provided data.

How to use: click to expand

The filters are broken down into five parts - worn, type, flag, stat, and other. They fall under two types of filters.

The first, worn and type, have a single checkbox for each value. Above the checkboxes is a select that has the options 'require' and 'exclude'. If no checkboxes are selected, then it will neither require nor exclude any of the options. On the other hand, if a checkbox (or checkboxes) are selected, it will then filter the results based on what type of filter you have chosen. In the case of require, it will only return results which meet your specifications (so, for example, a mage would want to select 'cloth' and 'require' to get only cloth armor'). In the case of exclude, it will return all results except for those that meet your specifications (so, for someone who can wear chain and below, you could select 'plate' and 'exclude' and you will see all results that are not plate armor). Please note that for types, anything that was listed on the website as non-material specific, or simply didn't specify, does not have a type, and will be included in all queries, as they can theoretically be worn by all.

The other types are a little more complicated. They contain a series of radio buttons, with the options 'ignore', 'include', 'exclude', and 'require'. Ignore will simply not place the item in the query string, meaning it doesn't matter if the results do or do not match that particular point. 'Include' is used as an OR statement. If you include anti-evil and anti-neutral, for example, you will get results that are either anti-neutral, or anti-evil (or both, if that so happens). It will exclude any results that don't match your include. In the case of stat filters, include will also only show desired stats (-saves and -ac, + everything else).

The 'exclude' statement overrides the include statement. So, you can, for example, include all hit and dam gear, and exclude saves gear. This will return a list of all +hit and +dam gear, and strip out +saves from the result. In the case of excludes related to stat gear, it will not include any results with undesireable stats (+saves and +ac, - everything else). It will still return 0 result and desireable results for stats (excluding dam will not exclude +dam or 0 dam, only -dam). In the case of static flags, it will simply exclude anything that has that flag (excluding RotDeath, for example, would strip out any RotDeath items from your result).

The 'require' statement overrides the include statement, and is on equal footing with the exclude statement. So, for example, you can include mana, hp, and hit, exclude saves, and require dam. This will find all of the gear that has either mana, hp, or hit, strip out anything that has +saves, and then only return what is left that has +dam.

Pimp my Gear (Found under 'Your Build') This is a means of updating the flags on gear. Its general purpose is to add/remove flags for crafted gear, however, you could easily add -AC flags to simulate desired enchantment levels as well. Because I decided to leave it more open ended, this part of the tool does not have any knowledge of what is/is not allowed on gear - interact with your local spellcrafter or enchantor to get that info!

Setting a flag to 0 will remove it - this includes static flags, like bless. Again, there is no logic here for what you can do to what - its meant for mistakes that are made when adding flags to crafted gear, or updating a saved build, or something along those lines.

Disclaimer: click to expand

I will not vouch for the accuracy of this information, that this page actually works, or that this page reflects in any way proper coding and security techniques. This is also not my own original idea. While I do not know the original link any longer, something similiar to this existed when I first started playing DSL. This page was created after someone on the forums brought it up, and I thought it would be nice to have something like this again. All of the code (besides the jQuery library) is my own original code (if someone decides to chip in, I'll think about giving them credit). Also, while I will gladly take suggestions for features/improvements/changes, and will do what I can to meet those requests, my own personal preferences will trump any disagreements in the final product. If you don't like it, feel free to build your own. *smiles innocently*


Level Filter

Worn Filters: click to expand

  • Name Reset

Armor/Weapon Type Filters: click to expand

  • Name Reset

Stat Filters: click to expand

  • NameIgnoreIncludeExcludeRequire
  • Saves
  • Mana
  • HP
  • Str
  • Wis
  • Int
  • Dex
  • Con
  • Hit
  • Dam
  • AC
  • Moves

Flag Filters: click to expand

  • NameIgnoreIncludeExcludeRequire
  • Magic
  • MeltDrop
  • Invisible
  • Anti-Evil
  • NoRemove
  • NoLocate
  • RotDeath
  • Anti-Good
  • Anti-Neutral
  • NoDrop
  • Bless
  • Two-Handed
  • Vorpal
  • Vampiric
  • Sharp
  • Stun
  • Frost
  • Poison
  • Flaming
  • Shocking
  • Holy

Crafted/Damage Type Filters: click to expand

  • NameIgnoreIncludeExcludeRequire
  • Crafted Filter
  • Crafted
  • Dam Type Filters

Your Build click to expand

  • Header Name Flags
  • Light
  • Finger
  • Finger2
  • Neck
  • Neck2
  • Torso
  • Head
  • Legs
  • Feet
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Shield
  • About
  • Waist
  • Wrist
  • Wrist2
  • Held
  • Float

Report Functions click to expand

Saved Builds click to expand

    Pimp my Build! click to expand

    Note: Setting a static flag (like bless) to 0 will remove the flag.

    In Game Gear Set click to expand

    Paste your current in game gear set below to automatically fill in the custom build above

    Gear Improvement (WIP) click to expand


    User Submissions click to expand

    Updates: click to expand

    • Weapons added!
    • Bug Fixes
    • Gear improvement suggestions
    • Added parsing of user gear
    • Starting level and Ending level are now tied together, so that they will automatically update if ending level is lower than starting level
    • Custom flags now show up in gear reports, so you can plan out your gems and whatnot here as well
    • Fixed some bugs with 'Pimp my gear'
    • Custom flags added
    • Added worn as an option to the order list
    • Added up to three levels of ordering
    • Fixed some bugs related to saved gear sets
    • Added reset button to gear results
    • Added reset button to custom builds for each slot
    • Added saving and loading of build sets. Also fixed bug where the -/+ number for moves flags was not showing, it would just say moves.
    • Added basic reporting feature for built sets
    • Added set building
    • Changed min level to 0
    • Removed more areas that don't exist (Thanks to Jor'Mox for the list so far)
    • Added user option for sorting results
    • Updated with more non-existent areas
    • Fixed a bug with sort orders
    • Added a submission for for users, just in case they want to use it. Decided not to get complex with new items, or marking things as non-existent, as things aren't going to be changing that often
    • Added a filter to remove non-existent areas
    • Added Google Analytics for curiosity reasons. Generally, if I see people are using it, I'll be more motivated to update it
    • Added a default sort by level. Will decide later how to allow the user to choose what to sort by
    • Fixed bug with duplication of items due to existence on multiple DSL equipment pages
    • Added the rest of the filters, and got them working (I think)
    • Reworked the filter UI
    • Made things look a LITTLE prettier. Decided not to use the twitter bootstrap for now. Might incorporate it later. Would still like to do more for looks
    • Added expandable/collapseable sections to try and make it easier to use

    TODO: (not in any particular order) click to expand

    • Known Bugs
    • BUG: Loading spinner not working
    • BUG: Gear Improvement - held vs hold bug
    • Other ToDos:
    • Add weapon filters
    • Add weapons to gear setup section
    • Shareable builds?
    • Add a list of standard gear builds users can load
    • Use either body or torso - make it consistent
    • Make it look nicer (WIP)
    • Add classes for auto filtering of armor types
    • Add a new item form. There really isn't any reason we can't have a seperate page to add items to the db manually
    • Add search by name
    • Finished tasks
    • Add weapons (this will be broken down into sub tasks later)
    • BUG: Gear Improvement - ignores level filters when searching
    • Add compare functionality - this is going to be like an improvement suggestion
    • BUG: Report not showing stat totals correctly
    • Add a parser that parsers copy/pasted gear into the build
    • When a user selects a starting level that is greater than their current end level filter, the end level filter should automatically update to the same as the start level, and vice versa. (if you are looking for gear within a single level range, it will save you a couple clicks. If not, it won't make any difference to you.)
    • Show Report needs to reflect the changes made to the build via custom flags
    • Allow user to add stats to custom gear for each 'build', which will be included in the report (WIP)
    • Add 'worn' to the sort options
    • Add a secondary sort option
    • When you select -- as the set as option for a build, remove the item from the build
    • Add a 'report' function that will list all of the items in your build, with areas
    • Fix bug with moves flag not showing number of -/+ moves in results (might be a problem with scrape too, not sure yet)
    • Incorporate HTML5 local storage so users can save gear sets without having a login (downside being you will only be able to access it from the same computer you saved it on, but I'm not planning on building a user system)
    • Add ability to add items to a 'slot' to build a full list of items that would be used on a character
    • Add sorting options somewhere
    • Add ability for users to correct errors with equipment from equipment page
    • Add ability for users to mark items as 'not in game'
    • Add ability for users to submit items that are not on the equipment page
    • Add exclusive filters (like rotdeath, as well as support for -stat gear that you may not want to show up)
    • Add additional filtering options, so items can be filtered on all data points (there are 34 data points to be filtered on)